Diigo Bookmarks 12/06/2013
Surveying the Big Screen · An A List Apart Article
"With over three years of responsive web design in our collective portfolios, we now have a solid set of design patterns for making websites work on small devices. But what about larger screens?"
The (other) Web we lost | Web Directions
"Rather than address a specific pain point in a simple, modular, interoperable way, our solutions often become increasingly complex, ad hoc agglomerations of solutions to all kinds of problems."
Coding Towards Accessibility ◆ 24 ways
"This Christmas, I want to share with you some thoughts and some practical tips for building accessible interfaces which you can start using today, without having to do a ton of reading or changing your tools and workflow."
Chromium Blog: Chrome DevTools for Mobile: Emulate and Screencast
"You also have full control of the emulation parameters, such as screen resolution, touch emulation, devicePixelRatio, user agent, sensors and many more."
Moonlighting with CSS text-shadow - SitePoint
"One thing to bear in mind is that calculating a lot of shadows can put a strain on the device’s CPU, so be a bit mindful of this if you are planning on using a lot of text shadowing."
Pa11y - Your automated accessibility testing pal
"Monitor the accessibility of your websites with pa11y-dashboard, and protect against accessibility errors creeping into your codebase"