Diigo Bookmarks 11/03/2013
Juicy Studio: Icon fonts and user-defined style sheets
"The biggest drawback from an accessibility point of view is that they won't work if a user's user-defined style sheet overrides the font-family property. "
Terminal in Chrome Devtools — Dmitry Filimonov
"If you’re on a Mac, just download this Chrome extension. Install it, and you good to go. No need to read any further."
Google Chrome Blog: Don’t mess with my browser!
"In the current Canary build of Chrome, we’ll automatically block downloads of malware that we detect."
Selling Responsive Web Design To Clients | Smashing Magazine
"We would be supporting a variety of screen sizes that aren’t typically considered when discussing responsive design, including large new desktop monitors with very high resolutions and old small screens with correspondingly low resolutions."
Surfin' Safari - Blog Archive » Advanced layout made easy with CSS regions
"Regions have been under development in WebKit for a while now, and we’re delighted to tell you that they are available for use in Safari on iOS 7, Safari 7 on Mavericks, and Safari 6.1 on Mountain Lion."
Medium-Style Page Transition | Codrops
"An article on how to achieve Medium’s next page transition effect—an effect that can be seen by clicking anywhere on the “Read Next” footer at the bottom of the page."