Diigo Bookmarks 10/03/2013
"RulersGuides.js is a Javascript library which enables Photoshop-like rulers and guides interface on a web page"
Some thoughts on automated web accessibility testing | Karl Groves
"There are a large number of things that are too subjective or too complex for machine testing. But this doesn’t mean that automated accessibility testing has no value. It means that we need to use it wisely."
Content Strategy for Mobile Web Design - SitePoint
"Design is clearly going to evolve in such a way that designing for different screen sizes and resolutions is going to be standard, in my opinion, although I’m sure some people will disagree."
Targeting Menu Elements with Submenus in a Navigation Bar | CSS-Tricks
"Ideally, it would be great if there was a CSS selector that would let us query if an element contained another kind of element as a direct child, something akin to jQuery's .has() method. We can can achieve nearly the same thing with li a:first-child:nth-last-child(x) { }."
Responsive Web Design for Corporate UX Design :: UXmatters
"In the current era of multiple devices, people understand that you can’t present the same content in the same way on every display. RWD gives us a relatively simple way to attack the problem without developing n different device-specific Web sites."