Diigo Bookmarks 06/01/2013
Richard Rutter – Typography in Responsive Web Design » UIE Brain Sparks
"The fundamental thing is not thinking about screen sizes, because there are far too many of them. It’s about thinking, “When does my design break?”"
BARREL | Text-align: Justify and RWD
"Because 'text-align: justify' is designed to work on individual inline words, it works on any inline element-and more importantly any inline-block element."
Adobe Edge Inspect vs Ghostlab — Andrew "Atlanta" Jones
"Adobe is saying a new version of Edge Inspect is coming out in June, along with their other new Creative Cloud (CC) updates, so we’ll have to see what they have up their sleeves as well."
The REM Fallback with Sass or LESS | drublic
"Since a while now word has spread to use the CSS unit rem for font-sizes and values in CSS. Here I want to explain how you can use a fallback in Sass or LESS to get rem working in all browsers."
Using JavaScript to estimate connection speed | Blog | Decade City
"By using timing information provided by the browser or calculated from in page timers we can estimate the speed of a user's connection and use that to modify the assets we request and serve."
"All matter, no matter how complex, can be broken down into molecules which can be broken down further into atomic elements. All web interfaces can be broken down down the same way."
854848 – Support the longdesc attribute
Comment 59 "After further looking into this, we've decided to support the longdesc attribute in Firefox. "