Diigo Bookmarks 05/13/2013
APOD: 2013 May 7 - Galaxy Cove Vista
"A short hike was needed to reach this rugged perch above a secluded cove in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park in California, USA. And a camera was needed for the long exposure required to bring out the faint light from stars and nebulae in the background Milky Way galaxy."
FROONT - Responsive web design, the visual way
"Design websites directly in the browser with a simple drag and drop interface"
Keeping The Big Small -- How To Avoid Duplicate Downloads In Responsive Images | Smashing Mobile
"Our old friends <object> and <embed>, both of which can be used to display images. If you load an image using these tags, it will display properly in the appropriate fallback conditions, but it won't otherwise be downloaded."
Web Designer Tip: Browserstack for Browser Testing | Web Designer Tips | Designbit
"The Android and Opera Mobile emulator behaviour is 100% similar to the real device. The iOS emulator is more than 99% similar. Moreover, our Android emulator has pre-installed device SDK provided by the device manufacturer, which makes it a perfect emulator."
Background notification hack for iPad and iPhone websites | Breaking the Mobile Web
"Safari on iOS freezes inactive tabs, but it honors the refresh meta declaration. After a reload, the tab is alive again while it is still in the background. A kind of "background tab resurrection" process."
It's all about the context | Feature | .net magazine
"Within our real-time connected, internet everywhere, multiscreen world, we are discovering that context matters more than ever."
WebAIM: Blog - 10 Easy Accessibility Tips Anyone Can Use
"To celebrate and to help promote accessibility, here are 10 simple accessibility tips that most anyone can implement today into their web site's HTML and CSS to make it more accessible."