Diigo Bookmarks 04/08/2013
Responsive Retrofitting - Web Standards Sherpa
"It’s about finding a way to use responsive techniques on legacy sites to create a better experience for more users."
"Cynthia Waddell, a pioneer in developing and advocating for legal theories to support website accessibility for people with disabilities, died on April 3, 2013."
Thoughts on Blink, Google’s new rendering engine - Robert's talk
"WebKit != Web != Mobile Web but rather [All rendering engines] == Web == Mobile Web"
"Clipping defines the region of an element that is visible. Everything around this region does not get rendered - it gets "clipped". On masking, a mask image is composited with the element, affecting the alpha channel of this element. Portions of a masked element get fully or partially transparent. The new CSS Masking specification aims to bring these two operations to the HTML world."
» Media Queries in SVG images Cloud Four Blog
"What had Bruce said that blew my mind? It was the fact that you can embed media queries inside SVG images."
LukeW | An Event Apart: Designing for Touch
"The best touch interface is sometimes no touch at all. Using sensors and speech is the next frontier for interaction design. This is no longer science fiction but reality."
10 tips for designing localised interfaces | Feature | .net magazine
"Joey Rabbitt outlines some measures you can take to ensure there's a smooth transition when your site is adjusted for different audiences"
2012 into 2013: web standards in perspective | Feature | .net magazine
"Chris Mills looks back at most exciting web standards developments of 2012, and looks ahead to what we can expect in 2013"