Diigo Bookmarks 03/16/2013
iOS 6 switch style checkboxes with pure CSS | Lea Verou
"The best idea I came up with was to use a radial gradient for the knob and animate its background-position. All that on a checkbox."
APOD: 2013 March 14 - Clouds, Comet, and Crescent Moon
"The scene captures naked-eye Comet PanSTARRS peeking into northern hemisphere skies on March 12. The comet stands over the western horizon after sunset, joined by the thin, flattened crescent of a day old Moon."
The Good & Bad of Level 4 Media Queries | Blog | Stu Cox
"The media query spec takes into consideration another point that a lot of web designers miss: a user can have multiple pointer devices connected simultaneously."
Bruce Lawson: Responsive Day Out
"What's next in StandardsLand?"
F**K CAPTCHA — A blog by Harry Brignull, User Experience Consultant
"With this design, they had a conversion rate of roughly 48%. They then removed the CAPTCHA, and it boosted the conversion rate up to 64%."
Using WAI-ARIA Landmarks – 2013 | The Paciello Group Blog
"Over time the necessity of explicitly assigning landmarks will lessen as browsers build in ARIA landmark roles to newer HTML element semantics."
Balancing Text for better readability | Web Platform Team Blog
"I propose we use a text rendering algorithm that would be applied by browser when asked by the designer to do so to automatically balance text across multiple lines"
"Traditional IE browsers used “shortcut” and “icon” both to identify the image and to display it in the browser title and shortcut bar. After the release of HTML5 this has been changed to only “icon” as the global representation of favicon."