Diigo Bookmarks 02/03/2013
Leave Accessibility to the Experts Please | Web Axe
Mobile prototyping: a new paradigm | Feature | .net magazine
"We simply cannot produce realistic prototypes for mobile applications with sketches, wireframes and mockups for three simple yet fundamental reasons: interactions, animations and device testing."
kelly norton: On Layout & Web Performance
"I’m often amazed by the number of web developers I run into who are unaware of the patterns that cause browsers to do unnecessary layout (aka “reflow” in the Mozilla community)."
Responsive Tables - The Easy Designs Blog
"When the screen is below a certain threshold, set the table elements to display: block (thereby linearizing the table), hide the thead where assistive tech won’t see it, and use generated content to expose the data-* attributes."
UI Design Guidelines for Responsive Design | Codrops
"Some UI guidelines and tips to consider when designing a website to make it cross-device friendly and responsive."
Redesigning Google: how Larry Page engineered a beautiful revolution | The Verge
"The vision would turn out to focus on on refinement, white space, cleanliness, elasticity, usefulness, and most of all simplicity."