Diigo Bookmarks 01/20/2013
Awesome Testing Session Friday, Including 25-Second Flight | AeroVelo
"One big take-away from this session was that we can assemble the helicopter and achieve well-trimmed flight within a single day, which will be very important for further testing at the Soccer Centre and elsewhere."
LukeW | Mobile Sign Up Forms Must Die
"We can capitalize on all the hard work it takes to get a download instead of turning 75% of our potential audience away with sign-up requirements."
about より "Built by Forum One Communications with responsive design in mind, Proty is a tool that allows you to make quick, interactive wireframes that can be fully customized for designers."
Windows Phone 8 and Device-Width - TimKadlec.com
"When you use device-width inside the meta tag on Windows Phone 8, it returns CSS pixels. When you set width=device-width through CSS device adaptation, it returns the actual device pixels."
What No One Told You About Z-Index — Philip Walton
"if an element is contained in a stacking context at the bottom of the stacking order, there is no way to get it to appear in front of another element in a different stacking context that is higher in the stacking order, even with a z-index of a billion!"
Understanding the CSS Clip Property | Codrops
"the clip property only works on elements with position: absolute or position: fixed. It won’t work with relative or static positioning."
Podcast #97: Responsive Design and Accessibility | Web Axe
"Dennis speaks with George Zamfir on his background, his activity in Toronto, and how Responsive Web Design (RWD) can benefit web accessibility."
Predictions for the Web in 2013 - Generated Content by David Storey
"The one key advantage a TV browser could have over using a tablet or laptop however, is if it is contextually aware."