Diigo Bookmarks 01/14/2013
"Web Components is comprised of four parts: Templates, Shadow DOM, Custom Elements and Packaging. Shadow DOM addresses the DOM tree encapsulation problem."
Performance Calendar » Progressive jpegs: a new best practice
"A progressive jpeg is usually a few kilobytes smaller than its baseline version."
"Try viewing the page in different browsers to see how each handles viewport size."
"The overflow pattern is a technique used in fluid web designs to expose more content as screen real estate becomes available."
Bandwidth Media Queries? We Don't Need ’Em! | Smashing Mobile
"When we think about the user’s bandwidth, we tend to think of the user’s connection to the Internet; but the connection of the Web server to the Internet, its load and its proximity to the user can also have a significant impact on the effective bandwidth that the browser sees."
CSS Techniques for Retina Displays
"In my opinion, you must go with vector images method (SVG) as their size is low. For icon images you can use @font-faces method."
Conditional loading of resources with mediaqueries | Christian Heilmann
"Using matchmedia you can execute blocks of JavaScript only when a certain mediaquery condition is met."