Diigo Bookmarks 12/14/2012
ImageOptim -- make websites and apps load faster (Mac app)
"ImageOptim optimizes images -- so they take up less disk space and load faster -- by finding best compression parameters and by removing unnecessary comments and color profiles. It handles PNG, JPEG and GIF animations."
"Summary: This page contains arguments for, rebuttals to arguments against, and research/data supporting the introduction of a main element to HTML/HTML5."
Bruce Lawson's personal site : Developer's guide to WebAIM screenreader survey
"ARIA landmarks (banner, contentinfo, main, navigation etc) were used "whenever they are present" by 24.6%, "often" by 15.8%, "never" by 15.6%. This is one reason for my changing my mind to support a proposed <main> element in HTML5."
APOD: 2012 December 12 - Milky Way Over Quiver Tree Forest
"Occurring primarily in southern Africa, the trees pictured in the above 16-exposure composite are in Quiver Tree Forest located in southern Namibia."
Do we need box-shadow or border-radius prefixes anymore? | CSS-Tricks
"Box shadow is similar but slightly more strict. Exactly the same for Firefox and iOS. Safari needs -webkit- in 5.0-, but was fixed just three months later in 5.1 (which shipped with OS X 10.7). The most significant difference is that Android 2.3 needs -webkit-."
"The ultimate goal is integration with existing WYSIWYG html editors (eg: TinyMCE, CKeditor, Loki, CLeditor) to produce Markdown output."