Diigo Bookmarks 12/01/2012
WebAIM: Blog - Accessibility Improvements in Adobe Acrobat XI
"Acrobat XI now includes a “Set Alternate Text” option that allows you to add alternative text to all the images in your document at one time."
Accessibility review: Microsoft Surface tablet | Media Access Australia
"One major improvement to Windows is that the operating system remembers your preferences whenever you log onto another device through your Outlook account and launches accessibility features at start-up."
Responsive Img - a jQuery Plugin for Responsive Images
"Using a PHP file, Responsive Img creates new images on the fly the first time they're needed and puts them on your server."
IDs Will Not Make Your Documents More Semantic | Impressive Webs
"meanings should not be derived from the value of the ID attribute"
Native CSS Feature Detection With @supports - SitePoint
" At the time of writing, only Opera 12.1 features it as standard. It’s available in Firefox 17 if the layout.css.supports-rule.enable about:config setting is changed to true. It should also be implemented in Chrome 24 but it may be some time before @support arrives in IE and Safari."
Bruce Lawson’s personal site : On the talismanic fight between RDFa and microdata
"The current fight, however, won’t allow that. The RDFa gang want to stop microdata going further in the standardisation process because RDFa became a Recommendation first, and microdata is quite similar to it."