Diigo Bookmarks 11/11/2012
CSS3 Checkboxes and Radiobuttons GFACE Style | GFACE Developer Blog
"In order to hide the real checkbox we used position: absolute and opacity: 0, because elements that are hidden with display: none or visibility: hidden cannot get focus on some browsers, and respectively cannot be checked / unchecked"
Using JavaScript to check if images are enabled | 456 Berea Street
"The script creates a new image object, assigns an onload event to it, and finally sets the image as the source. If the onload event is triggered and the image’s width is larger than 0, the class name “images-on” is added to the body element."
A Challenge to Accessibility Testing Tool Vendors | Karl Groves
"I can’t say this often enough or loudly enough: If your tool doesn’t test web documents as rendered in a browser, it isn’t testing the right thing."
Device screen resolutions ordered by OS - Generated Content by David Storey
"As Android is particularly varied, and impossible to predict which devices get updated to a subsequent version of the OS, I’ve kept all versions grouped together"
CSSrefresh - automatically refresh CSS files
"CSSrefresh is a small, unobstructive javascript file that monitors the CSS-files included in your webpage. As soon as you save a CSS-file, the changes are directly implemented, without having to refresh your browser."
Does Google really prefer responsive sites? | Opinion | .net magazine
"One piece of advice they gave us more recently: it’s best not to build responsive sites if the audience you’re trying to reach doesn’t have smartphones."