Diigo Bookmarks 05/31/2012
Why your site graphics look crap on the iPhone | Boagworld
"Have you noticed how fuzzy some of your site imagery looks when viewed on an iPhone 4? Let me explain why, and how web designers are working to fix the problem."
The CSS Clip Property | Impressive Webs
"The clip property is included in the W3C's list of animatable properties, so I put together a wacky little animated gallery just to demonstrate how clip works."
APOD: 2012 May 28 - Contemplating the Sun
"The above menagerie of silhouettes was taken from the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area near Page, Arizona, USA, where park rangers and astronomers expounded on the unusual event to interested gatherers."
Font size bookmarklets | The Marcos Kirsch Experience®
"Last night I was reading some online documentation on Safari on my iPad and was annoyed by the small font size. On most web sites, the text is formatted in narrow columns and you just double tap to zoom in perfectly."
Yahoo! Axis - A new way to search and browse
"Yahoo! Axis offers a faster, smarter search with instant answers and visual search previews."
» The real conflict behind and @srcset Cloud Four Blog
"No matter if you favor <picture>, @srcset, or some other solution, the fundamental conflict between the lookahead pre-parser and responsive images persists."