Diigo Bookmarks 04/24/2012
"The HTML Working Group Chairs have developed a draft stabilization plan with a timeline for advancing the HTML5 specifications to W3C Recommendation."
how to remove CSS outlines in an accessible manner? | The Paciello Group Blog
"using CSS :focus {outline:none} as recommended in the WHATWG HTML living standard is not a solution to any problem, it only replaces one accessibility issue with another."
"The State of HTML5 Video Report is a compilation of our research and latest test results, focused on HTML5 video playback."
Saving the Day with Scoped CSS | CSS-Tricks
"Using scoped styles without a proper polyfill is dangerous. In a browser that doesn't support them, the styles you declare will affect the entire page."
Let’s Talk about Semantics | HTML5 Doctor
"Think of your chunks of content in terms of how they relate to each other and in which contexts they can be used."
"With the growth of new tools like Sass and LESS I decided to rebuild our stylesheets into something cleaner and easier to maintain, and after working with the new system for a month I’m really happy with the results."