Diigo Bookmarks 04/02/2012
Fluent - Making the future of email
"Fluent's inbox is a workflow-oriented stream. See email threads & replies at a glance, preview attachments, and make the decision to reply, archive or add to your to-do list with one click."
» The EMs have it: Proportional Media Queries FTW! Cloud Four Blog
"Thus actual column width is a function of font size and ems-per-line."
Taking pictures with the Camera API - part of WebAPI ✩ Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"Through the Camera API, part of WebAPI, it becomes possible to take pictures with your device's camera and upload them into the current web page. This is achieved through an input element with type="file" and an accept attribute to declare that it accepts images."
Testing the responsive site for BBC News | News | .net magazine
"We find out how the BBC tested its revamped news website for mobile"
Shrink To Fit: Designing Scalable User Interfaces | Punchcut
"Brands and manufacturers have to consider the growing number of devices and variations as potential touchpoints that users may have with any given product, media experience or service."