Diigo Bookmarks 03/15/2012
Bruce Lawson’s personal site : What Users Want from Mobile, and what we can re-learn from them
"This tells us that speed is more important than aesthetics. So perhaps some of the time and effort put into media queries, viewports, avoiding scrolling, line length would actually be better employed reducing HTTP requests and optimising so that websites are perceived to render faster."
The new iPad, images and rounded corners | Boagworld
"First, with many app owners scrambling to update their apps to use high resolution graphics, the iPad retina display perfectly demonstrates the problem with designing for specific devices."
LukeW | Multi-Device Layout Patterns
"To get a sense of emerging responsive design layout patterns, I combed through all the examples curated on the Media Queries gallery site several times. I looked for what high-level patterns showed up most frequently and tried to avoid defining separate patterns where there were only small differences."
Downlevel Hidden / Downlevel Revealed | CSS-Tricks
"Downlevel hidden = Show only in some subset of IE < 10's Downlevel revealed = Show some subset of IE < 10's plus every non-IE browser."
Eric's Archived Thoughts: Negative Proximity
"the negation pseudo-class isn’t counted as a pseudo-class. It, like the univseral selector, doesn’t contribute to specificity at all"
Using CSS Selectors as Fragment Identifiers
"To expand linking possibilities, this document specifies a css() scheme for use in fragment identifiers of HTML and XML content."