Diigo Bookmarks 02/01/2012
"The iDreamSaver is an iPhone® and iPod Touch® charging dock and alarm clock that monitors your sleep state and wakes you only from light sleep, which is easier and more natural."
"After three years of implementing and explaining WCAG 2.0, we have identified areas of the guidelines that could be improved or clarified."
On Maintainability · Jens O. Meiert
"Consequentially, our industry, in well some shortsightedness, appears to be wasting hours and dollars by not paying attention to maintainability."
Web Sites and a Plug-in Free Web - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"This post describes a way for sites that continue to rely on plug-ins to provide consumers browsing with Metro style IE the best possible experience."
A List Apart: Articles: Responsive Images: How they Almost Worked and What We Need
"If we could reliably detect connection speed, one day we may be able to add media="connection-speed: edge" or media="min-speed: 200kbps" to our source elements."