Diigo Bookmarks 10/31/2011
CSS3 Gems: The calc() Function ? SitePoint
"The calc() function is a W3C recommendation so guess which browser offers native support? You’re wrong. At the time of writing, it’s just Internet Explorer 9."
Responsive IMGs Part 3 ? Future of the IMG Tag ? Cloud Four
"One of common conclusion from the commenters is that our current IMG tag isn’t going to cut it."
Bruce Lawson’s personal site? : Goodbye HTML5 <time>, hello <data>!
"It’s with great sadness that I inform you that the HTML5 <time> element has been dropped, and replaced by a more generic ? and thus less useful ? <data> element. "
Styling button elements to look like links | 456 Berea Street
"there was a time when making HTML buttons look like links wasn’t really possible in a cross-browser way. But these days you can get very, very close."
Accessibility Testing: Correction Scenarios ? Simply Accessible
"Accessibility and user experience are not black and white. Here we take a look at some shades of grey, and user scenarios that we need to take into account when we're testing web sites and applications."