"IE6 users will now be prompted to install Chrome Frame by default. It's time. :)"
"the Webmaster Team considers validation a baseline quality attribute. It doesn’t guarantee accessibility, performance, or maintainability, but it reduces the number of possible issues that could arise and in many cases indicates appropriate use of technology."
"gui:config makes it easier to change preferences that can only be found in the “about:config”."
"a bookmarklet is simply a chunk of JavaScript code that is executed from within a browser's address bar or bookmark link. This makes it relatively straightforward to convert YSlow, or indeed most bookmarklets, into an Opera extension."
"Merlin 2 is the leading professional project management software for Mac OS X. Developed by project managers for project managers, Merlin truly delivers in meeting your professional requirements."
"With the help of the awesome Modernizr library, haz.io gives you a quick overview of your browser’s support for recent technologies in the world of HTML, CSS and Javascript."
"David Kaplan, assistant professor of physics at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, sent me this gif, showing the differences between an image of the Andromeda Galaxy produced by astrophotographer Robert Gendler, and the image of the Andromeda Galaxy that serves as the default desktop wallpaper in Apple's OS 10.7 (Lion)."