"I, along with my colleagues at Opera, have decided to move the Web standards curriculum to the W3C Wiki."
"We just wanted something similar to document both experiences, provide a bit of nostalgia and novelty, honor the shuttle and the passage of time, and illustrate the father/son bond that we share."
"Pictured above, Atlantis rises toward the ISS with its cargo bay doors open, showing a gleaming metallic Raffaello Multi-Purpose Logistics Module. Over 200 kilometers below lie the cool blue waters of planet Earth."
"A demonstration of what can be accomplished with only 1 K (Kibibyte) of CSS."
"「坂道が少ない」「大通り優先」など、5種類のルート表示やスピードメーターを備えたナビゲーション。 走りたい距離からスポットを検索できる「ドーナツサーチ」など、自転車に特化した機能で、あなたのサイクリングをより快適なものにします。"