"Normalize.css is a customisable CSS file that makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards."
"As such I’m bought to mind Jeff Veen’s comments when he said “I don’t care about accessibility.” Similarly I’m starting to care less and less about User Experience, not because it isn’t important, but because it’s the natural output of the way all good design and development agencies work and think."
"When browsing the mobile web keypad users share a similar experience to keyboard only users on desktop; you have to cycle through content in a linear fashion, often through many page elements before you get to what you want."
"Rather than create art that mirrors the inevitable dark days I’m plagued with just like everyone, I prefer to let my daydreams carry me away into places where one can go anywhere, do anything, be anyone, in a way that only the mind can allow."
"Today I was just about to write a blog post about images and serving different sizes depending on the device accessing it. Then the Adaptive images post came up on the public-html@w3.org mailing list."
"iTerm2 is a replacement for Terminal and the successor to iTerm."