Daily Posting 02/22/2011
Multimedia on the web and using HTML5 sensibly ? Mozilla Hacks ? the Web developer blog
"Last week I went to the London Ajax User Meetup in London, England to deliver two talks about HTML5. One was a re-run of a talk I gave at MIT about Multimedia on the web and the second was a call to arms to use HTML5 sensibly."
W3C Geolocation API in IE9 - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"If you allow, Internet Explorer will approximate your location with the help of the Microsoft Location Service and works without the need for additional hardware."
Using Media Queries in the Real World ? Broken Links
"One approach we’re considering is replacing images on the server side with an empty element"……装飾用画像ならアリかもだけれど。
Dickinson Disney: not down with the kids ? iheni :: making the web worldwide
"Disney claiming that it can’t estimate the numbers of visually impaired visitors to their resorts is mind boggling. What do numbers have to do with it anyway? This is not a quantitative issue; it’s about the right to access information and services regardless of who you are."
| Lawsuit Against Disney For Lack Of Accessibility | Accessibility NZ
"Historically, different disability groups haven't worked together much. It's time we all worked together to improve everyone's situation."
eosgarden - Freeware - WebStart Light - Overview
"WebStart Light is the easiest way to host a local website on your Mac. It features a complete Apache 2 server, with PHP 5.3, and MySQL 5.1. It also include PHPMyAdmin, so you can easily manage your databases."