Daily Posting 02/05/2011
Enterprise HTML, CSS and JavaScript explained | 456 Berea Street
"I thought I’d bring up a few of the examles from the Enterprise CSS/HTML/JS sites and explain why I think they are bad examples."
CSS Module Editors Leaderboard
"A stab at ranking CSS modules' editors based on how many modules they're involved with, how far along those modules have gotten, and how recently those modules have been updated."
Windows Media Player HTML5 Extension for Chrome
"The Windows Media Player HTML5 Extension for Chrome is an extension that enables Chrome users to play H.264-encoded videos (aka MP4) on HTML5 pages by using the built-in capabilities found in Windows 7."
"Build your mobile web applications faster than ever before ? deploy on iOS, Android and other phones supporting HTML5 technologies!"
Setting up Windows 7’s Windows XP Mode
"This document contains step-by-step instructions for setting up multiple copies of Windows XP Mode on a Windows 7 PC in order to run Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 simultaneously with IE9 in Windows 7."