Daily Posting 01/24/2011
Space Adventures and Virgin Galactic make a little news in Munich ? NewSpace Journal
"When we tell you, you’ll know who it is. You’ll recognize the name."っていうか誰。
Packrati.us = Twitter + Delicious
"We follow your twitter feed, and whenever a status you tweet or re-tweet contains URLs, we add them to your delicious.com bookmarks."
REK / iPhone Cyclecomputer App - soneru
"CycleComputer REK は自転車に乗る人用のアプリケーション、しかもかなり本格仕様です。外部のセンサーを iPhone と接続することで iPhone が高性能なサイクルコンピューターになります。"
Get familiar with HTML5! - Dev.Opera
"Note: CSS3 is DEFINITELY NOT part of HTML5, and never will be. Don't let your marketing department tell you otherwise."