Daily Posting 01/21/2011
The HTML5 Logo Conversation - W3C Blog
"Since the main logo was intended to represent HTML5, the cornerstone of modern Web applications, I have updated the FAQ to state this more clearly."
LukeW | Device Classes & Responsive Design
"Sites that consist mostly of simple content might be able to apply a responsive solution across smart phones, tablets, and desktops/laptops assuming there’s no difference in use based on context and that the site’s media assets are minimal (i.e. they can be downloaded over slow network connections)."
Textastic ? Syntax highlighting text editor for iPad
"Textastic is an advanced plain text editor for iPad with rich support for syntax highlighting."
The WHATWG Blog ? HTML is the new HTML5
"We will no longer be following the "snapshot" model of spec development, with the occasional "call for comments", "call for implementations", and so forth."
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) moves to Candidate Recommendation (CR) - W3C Blog
"HTML is one of the most important use cases and the PFWG is working closely with the HTML Working Group to provide full integration in a manner consistent with the HTML 5 design."
HTML5 logo: be proud, but don’t muddy the waters! - The Web Standards Project
"We need for the W3C, as a standards body, to understand the importance of clarity with regard to the term “HTML5”."
"WebMatrix は Web サイトの開発を行う際に必要となる機能をひとつのツールにまとめた、マイクロソフトの新しい Web 開発ツールです。"