"The new British standard on web accessibility, to be published in November 2010, builds upon the 2006 publicly available specification ‘Guide to Good Practice in Commissioning Accessible Websites’ (PAS 78). BS 8878 Web accessibility. Code of Practice is applicable to all public and private organizations wishing to offer accessible, usable websites to their customers."
"Real time translating app. Turn your iPhone into the dictionary of the future - NOW!"
"We’re happy to announce that WebGL is now on by default in Google Chrome’s beta channel, with some shiny new demos to show off what the technology can do."
"Apple® today announced that the Mac® App Store? will open for business on Thursday, January 6."
"You can greatly increase the speed of your website by creating a specific site tailored to mobile users with just a few handy pointers ? media queries, in some instances, might be perfectly suitable but, in others, here’s what you can do."