links for 2010-10-02
"JAXA事業に関しては、はやぶさ後継機、回収機能付宇宙ステーション補給機、災害監視や地球環境観測の人工衛星等の事業を、文部科学省施策の中で要望しています。 "
"As yet, these bubbles are not author stylable (because there are no hooks in any CSS specification yet, although that's being worked on) so it's particularly important that the default implementation doesn't make your eyes bleed."
"Since I started using Media Queries extensively over the last few months, I’ve revised the queries several times for each project, so it made sense to build a boilerplate to use as a starting point."
"The Browser UI is an action that creates a browser window around any size Photoshop document you can throw at it."