links for 2010-08-18
"The Web Open File Format (WOFF 1.0) expands the typographic palette available to Web designers, improving readability, accessibility, internationalization, branding, and search optimization."
"What we want are ways to extend what we’ve got, to add extra semantics that are machine-readable ? data that a browser, script, or robot can use."
"Hibari is a powerful Mac Twitter app that blocks annoyances and reveals gems."
"A unified user interface system across all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. Its lightweight code is built with progressive enhancement, and has a flexible, easily themeable design."
"IE9’s standard mode supports only opacity and not the alpha filter. (IE9’s compatibility modes Quirks, 7, and 8 still support the alpha filter but do not implement opacity.)"
"some dedicated contributors have been working on a MathML implementation in WebKit. I am very pleased to announce that the implementation is now turned on by default in the WebKit build and in WebKit Nightlies!"
"This extension for Apple's Safari browser displays the shortcuts for the current site in a toolbar for easy access. The commands are accessed by pressing control+option+[the displayed letter] on a Mac or alt+[displayed letter] on Windows."