links for 2010-08-03
"Android’s rise is even more noticeable among new smartphone subscribers in the last six months where Android has nosed past Apple’s iOS in the last quarter to grab a 27% share of those recent smartphone subscribers."
"The HTML5 test score is only an indication of how well your browser supports the upcoming HTML5 standard and related specifications."
"Clean URIs are one component of a clean website, and it is an important one. The majority of end-user access to the Internet involves a URI, and whether or not the user actually enters the URI, they are working with one nonetheless."
"With Google Sky Map for your Android phone you can discover and browse the night sky just by pointing your phone to space."
"5月9日の発売以来、iPad アプリのトップチャート1位を独占している『i文庫HDicon』、近々リリースの Version 1.04 ではついに待望のDropbox に対応です。"……そろそろ買いかな?