Kazuhito Kidachi's Personal Web Site Since 2000

Lunch with Friends at Opera Software

From left: Daniel, Andreas and me.

On last Thursday (June 14th), I got together with my friends at Opera Software, Andreas and Daniel. Andreas, who's leading Developer Relations Team, has lived in Tokyo formerly, but now lives in Oslo, Norway where the company is headquartered. He came to Japan for business reasons, and planned an event about mobile web tips and techniques with Daniel, who works at Tokyo office as one of web evangelists (his Japanese is very good).

I'm very interested in the topics these days, so the event should have been the best opportunity to me to meet again with Andreas. Unfortunately, the event was set to Thursday night, when board meeting of my company is set every week ... that's why I couldn't go to the event :-( But fortunately, we all could find time and place to get together and enjoyed lunch on the day at Manrikiya restaurant located at Azabu-Juban. We talked about various topics, including mobile web design/development. What I clearly thought about the topic was 1) sharing details/specifications should be appropriate rather than reverse-engineering by specific browser vendors which haven't implemented them yet 2) to avoid such reverse-engineering and to promote interoperable implementations in terms of mobile web design/development, viewport meta element, device pixel etc. should be standardized 3) such standardization speed should catch up with the speed of device diversity as much as possible. Anyway, thank you for the wonderful lunch, Andreas and Daniel!

BTW, I tried cold soba noodle with dipping sauce (salt and onion taste) and beef, and it was VERY delicious. If you have any chance to go to Azabu-Juban area, I recommend to go to the restaurant - it was my first visit and I haven't tried any other menus though.

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