links for 2010-07-06
"With an advertising world keen to use every inch of a medium for brand or product experience, it is becoming increasingly popular to design websites with full-browser backgrounds. Using CSS, this can be achieved quite easily."
"I believe that prefixes can actually accelerate the advancement and refinement of CSS."
"The next few years present great challenges and opportunities to government, through the implementation of WCAG 2.0. These will be overcome and celebrated in collaboration with our peers across portfolios, jurisdictions and governments around the world."
"A remake of my Mobile 2.0 talk on mobile web development techniques, including usage of viewport and media queries."
"本商品は、このスペースシャトルを、数多くの専門資料や画像、映像から、各部の詳細形状・彩色を検証し、実機を忠実に再現した世界でも最高峰の1/144 スケールモデルです。"これを買うためにいろいろ頑張ろうと思います(謎