"I don’t think that any format could ever be The Format Of The Long Now but HTML is the closest we’ve come thus far in the history of computing to having a somewhat stable, human- and machine-readable data format with a decent chance of real longevity."
"InstaReader Sync is a service to automatically sync your Starred Items in Google Reader, with your InstaPaper's read-later list. So that when you're skimming the thousands of items flowing in from you favorite sites, you just have to click ☆ on the ones that seem interesting, and they will automatically be available in InstaPaper a few minutes later."
"CSS3 Media Queries and DOMContentLoaded are examples of requests from the community that are now in the product. Many other features you’ve requested ? DOM Traversal and Range, getElementsByClassName, createDocument, and more ? are available today in the IE9 platform."
"We are pleased to present Chapter 1 of HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeremy Keith (A Book Apart, 2010). ?Ed."
"We’re not one of the HTML 5 spec writers, and we’re not here to persuade you to use it. Our take is that it’s going to happen, so we need to get acquainted. But we’re going to point out (perhaps rant) about the good parts as well as the bad. It’s as far as possible a practical book, showing you how to use the language but some areas of the spec will be discussed theoretically as they’re not yet implemented anywhere."