links for 2009-11-07
Mozilla Add-onsのサイトと見た目を似せた理由は何なのでしょう。紛らわしいことこの上ない。
"This documentation was created as part of a Lotus® initiative to remove arbitrary differences in our product user interfaces. It describes the CSS and HTML markup structure used in many Lotus® products."
"One thing that really impacts the crew's day-to-day operations is if the file server itself fails. This forces them to reload the hard drive and re-establish all the network drives and all the apps. They actually have to get out the media and load the image to the hard drive... Over the last nine years, this has only happened twice."
"It’s early days but the rise of VoiceOver and NVDA combined with alternative browsers such as Opera, Safari and Firefox may break the hold that screen reader giants Jaws and WindowEyes have over the market, helping to open up competition and with it how fast screen readers innovate in supporting new technologies such as HTML5, SVG and so on. This will be a win all round for both users and developers."