"In October 2009, WebAIM conducted a survey of preferences of screen reader users. This was a follow-up survey to a previous survey. We received 665 valid responses to the screen reader user survey. More in-depth analysis and documentation on the free-form responses will be available in the future."
"Here’s how to hook up the iMac an external monitor; you simply the Mini DisplayPort to Mini DisplayPort cable into the back of the iMac, and then into the MacBook. The iMac auto detects the connection and switches into “target display mode.”"
"Mosa は2ちゃんねるの情報を見やすく整理することに注力しています。iPhone らしいすっきりとした画面でスレを表示したり、アンカーの参照先を並べて見たりできることも、そうした取り組みのひとつです。また、ブックマークしなくても見たスレを板をまたいで確認できる「まとめてチェック」など、2ちゃんねるをもっと気軽に楽しむための機能を搭載しています。"
"The Sleep Cycle alarm clock, developed by Swedish developer LexWare Labs AB, is a bio-alarm clock that analyzes your sleep patterns and wakes you when you are in the lightest sleep phase."