links for 2009-09-26
"新開発のパーソナルモビリティ技術は、二足歩行ロボット「ASIMO」のロボティクス研究で培ったバランス制御技術と、前後移動に加えて、真横や斜めにも移動できる世界初※の全方位駆動車輪機構(Honda Omni Traction Drive System 以下、HOT Drive System)により、身体を傾け体重移動するだけで速度や方向の調整が可能で、様々な方向に動き・曲がり・止まれるものである。"
"I think Damon’s are important concerns and raise the real question which is how can we replicate what people like about mobile versions without resorting to versioning websites?"
"About 8% of the male population has some sort of color blindness. The color blind have the inability to clearly distinguish different colors of the spectrum, they tend to see colors in a limited range of hues. Because of this, the color blind have trouble with a lot of websites."
"Google have released Chrome Frame a plugin-in for Internet Explorer “that seamlessly brings Google Chrome’s open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer.” What it also does is seamlessly bring Google Chrome’s lack of support for assistive technologies to Internet Explorer."