"Google Wave is a new tool for communication and collaboration on the web, coming later this year."
"AozoReaderは、Mac OS X 用のフリーの青空文庫ビューアーです。青空文庫のXHTMLファイルを検索・ダウンロード・管理・表示することができます。"
"This article is designed to help users who are new to NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) - external link learn the basic controls for testing web content, and to serve as a reference for the occasional NVDA user."
"最後に、日吉駅北口の居酒屋での2次会ミーティング?は、W3C SFC の一色さん・芦村さん・深見さんと、ミツエーリンクスの木達さんと私の5人でいろんな話をし、また貴重?な話が聞けて楽しかったです。。。うーん、これしか書けない"……確かにw
"As a Typekit user, you’ll have access to our library of high-quality fonts. Just add a line of JavaScript to your markup, tell us what fonts you want to use, and then craft your pages the way you always have. Except now you’ll be able to use real fonts. This really is going to change web design."
"All of the following are significant features which are all candidates for funding sources. The time estimates provided are a rough guide based on one developer working primarily on the one goal and are given to assist in determining the amount of funding required."
"Zensify is the new, unique lifestreaming app for the iPhone that lets you easily update, discover and keep track of what's important to you across multiple networks"
TechTool Pro 5のほかに欲しいものは無いのだけど(Parallelsは既に買っているし)、それだけのために申し込む価値はあるかなぁ。一応、TechTool Pro 5単体で見ても半額セールにはなっているけれど。