"SMC (System Management Controller) はロジックボード上にあるコントローラチップで、コンピュータのすべての電源機能を制御します。コンピュータの電源に関連する問題は、SMC をリセットすることにより解決される場合があります。"
"While I do advocate being as semantic as possible, it's important to note that presentational class names cause no real-world problems of note. So, I'm all for being semantic, right up to the point where doing so is disallowing me to stay DRY, making me less efficient, and bloating the hell out of my code."
"DirSync Pro (Directory Synchronize Pro) is a small, but powerful utility for file and folder synchronization. DirSync Pro can be used to synchronize the content of one or many folders recursively."
"That is why I'm now advocating to my clients (and to you), that where feasible, not to waste hours in time and a client's money on lengthy workarounds in an unnecessary attempt at cross-browser perfection. Instead, you and I should provide simple but effectively designed HTML elements. This means just great typography for headings, paragraphs, quotations, lists, tables and forms and no styling of layout."
"Jetpack is a newly formed experiment in using open Web technologies to enhance the browser, with the goal of allowing anyone who can build a Web site to participate in making the Web a better place to work, communicate and play."