"相対的に要素の位置を移動させるposition: relative;を複数組み合わせて実現する場合は、CSSハック・フリーで記述できるので簡潔なコードになる。ただし余り使われないので理解しづらい。"
"I recently videoed Bruce Maguire describing how he uses the internet with a refreshable Braille display. He also demonstrates finding a book on the Amazon site. Transcript of the video is at the end of this document."
"SSD(高速メモリディスク)とHDD(大容量磁気ディスク)をダブル搭載"でこのバッテリ駆動時間(ECOonモードで約14.1時間)は魅力的。ネックは普通に重いのと(1.32kg)、モノとしての外観に全く惹かれないことか。MacBook Airもこれぐらいバッテリが保てば……。
"MAMA has been busy these last few weeks and we have some early results coming in. Based on feedback and requests here is a snapshot of what the Web's made of and some quick and dirty analysis. The results are based on 4,225,113 URLs tested from over 250 countries"