Kazuhito Kidachi's Personal Web Site Since 2000



  1. Florida blue sky! A sense of deja vu.
  2. 28 yrs ago - watched STS-1 launch w/Univ classmate on a TV. No PC, no Internet.
  3. 23 yrs ago - watched the sad news of Challenger. Fell in love w/Macintosh.
  4. 22 yrs ago - visited Orlando and KSC. Watched "Dream is Alive"
  5. 18 yrs ago - wondered if I wannabe an Astronaut myself - Koichi got selected that time.
  6. 14 yrs ago - first attempt to become an astronaut - Soichi got selected that time.
  7. 11 yrs ago - second attempt to become an astronaut - visited JSC.
  8. 10 yrs ago - rcvd 1st invitation by Mamoru to watch the Shuttle launch - couldn't go unfortunately.
  9. 6 yrs ago - rcvd invitation by Soichi and was preparing for a plane ticket - only to watch the sad news of Columbia...
  10. 4 yrs ago - rcvd invitation again - made it to KSC - only to watch the Scrubb. Was blue sky.
  11. 1 yr ago - rcvd invitation yet again - this time from Akihiko - made it to KSC, made it to see the launch in live - was really blue sky!!


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現在地:ホーム > 覚え書き > 月別アーカイブ > 2009年5月 > 5thstarさんの素敵な経歴
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