いや実際、これ見たときに何となくAcid Testっぽいというか、いろんなブラウザで開いてみたいと思ったのですよ。公開ありがとうございます。
"There is one important message that the One Web vision does not carry: an hypothetical need to return the same version for each and every device."
"What I don’t understand is why replace the text zoom with full page zoom. Why not offer both. Sometimes one works better than the other."
"Firefox will support multiple backgrounds :) Grab a nightly, this is a pretty sweet feature. Safari already does this."
"The industry has to take control and say enough is enough. It's bad for innovation, it's bad for our sanity, it's bad for security, it's bad for everyone's bottom line. IE6 has to go. The time has come."
"The Extreme Ice Survey is the most wide-ranging glacier study ever conducted using ground-based, real-time photography. EIS uses time-lapse photography, conventional photography, and video to document the rapid changes now occuring on the Earth's glacial ice."