"WebKit now supports styling of the scrollbars in overflow sections, listboxes, dropdown menus and textareas."
"Now, with the partnership between TPG and WebAIM, web site owners can retain The Paciello Group to perform full accessibility testing and professional services while additionally receiving the WebAIM Accessible Site Certification."
"CrystalClear Interface (CCI) is a powerful system add-on that lets you customize certain aspects of the Mac OS X "Aqua" interface."
"それまで我々がコンタクトできていなかった、Web Developer や Web Designer の方々と、イベントや勉強会で直接お会いし、意見交換できたことが、途中で挫けることなく続けられた私の活動源になっていたことは言うまでもありません。"
"We’re going to work with standards bodies to finish CSS 2.1 and bring other standards to a customer-ready state faster."