"This is the twelfth development milestone and the first beta release of the mobile version of Firefox"
"If you use width or height tags to resize images in your markup, IE will ensure they look incredibly awful unless you use this little snippet. In general, resizing images in the browser isn’t recommended, but of course there are always exceptions."
"Apple's releasing some hot new features in iPhone 3.0 this summer, but will it be better than Google's Android? Let's take a look."
"If you just blindly convert all the <div>s on your pages to <sections> it's pretty unlikely your page will have the outline you expected. And, apart from being a semantic faux-pas, this will confuse the hell out of people who rely on headings for navigation."
"区は、定額給付金の申請書の発送を4月上旬から開始し、4月中旬から下旬に各世帯主名義の預金口座へ給付金の振り込みを開始する予定です。申請方法や窓口等の詳細は、4月の区報等でお知らせします。 "
"Today Microsoft Corp. announced the availability of Windows Internet Explorer 8, the new Web browser that offers the best solution for how people use the Web today. It can be downloaded in 25 languages at http://www.microsoft.com/ie8 starting at noon EDT on March 19."