"Others suggest that challenging Amazon's use of this software challenges accessibility to the visually impaired. It doesn't: Kindle 2 isn't designed for such use. The Guild continues to support efforts to make works truly accessible to the visually impaired."
"私はAppleが「スティーブ」や「ジョナサン」という名のペルソナを徹底的に作り上げて、彼らの影響力を維持し続けようとするのではないか? と想像します。"
"The Paciello Group, Opera, and WebAIM are pleased to coordinate and sponsor a tweetup at the CSUN Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference. The tweetup will be held Wednesday, March 18th from 6-7:30pm at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott, Palm Desert room, 1st Floor. The tweetup is open to all Twitter users that are attending the conference."
"This page offers performance information for Google Apps services. Unless otherwise noted, this status information applies to consumer services as well as services for organizations using Google Apps."
"Launchyを使って今見ているページをIE Testerで任意のIEバージョンを指定して開く方法をメモっとく。"