links for 2008-07-31
"Mike Krieger has ported the famous and elegant "Gmail Redesigned" stylesheet to Mailplane!"スゲーついにキター!早速使ってます!!
"Here, I only do a little help by collecting 200+ nature wallpapers: Aurora, Clownfish, Rocks and Waterfall Wallpapers; 50 for each."
"FileMagnet makes it easy to copy files from your Mac and view them on your iPhone and iPod touch. It supports all the common file types, including PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, images, movies, sounds and even folders."
"一般的なジェットパックが数十秒程度しか飛行(噴射)できないのに対して、Martin Jetpackは最長で約30分間滞空できる点が売り。"
"GrowlSafari is a plug-in to Safari to make it post Growl notifications on download-related events."
"iTunes Store U.S. のアカウント無いと今のところ(今後も、かな)インストールできないのでご注意を。 アカウントの作り方は検索すれば見付けられると思います。 ちなみに僕は otsune さんのところの方法でアカウント作りました。"
"I think it’s an interesting example of how one small web team tried to square the circle and attempt to use Web Standards and accessible methods in a highly conservative corporate environment."