"SMOB is a distributed / decentralised microblogging system built on RDF and Semantic Web technologies, mainly SIOC and FOAF. Currently, we have simple prototypes of a publishing and an aggregating service, less than 100 lines of PHP code each."
"2008-06-15, Happy Web Weekendの講演資料"、面白かったです。RDFマンセー。Twitterなどを事例として取り込んだことで、RDFを記述することの重要性、意義が分かりやすかったような。
"報告ハンドアウトは近日アップ予定 音声データも近日アップ予定"
"The smart way to add maps to smart websites Click, pop, point. Locate an address on a map, without leaving the page."
"Create beautiful presentations, access them from anywhere, and share them with the world. With 280 Slides, there's no software to download and nothing to pay for ? and when you're done building your presentation you can share it any way you like."
"In human-computer interaction and ergonomics, Fitts's law (often cited as Fitts' law) is a model of human movement which predicts the time required to rapidly move to a target area, as a function of the distance to the target and the size of the target."
"JTwitterはイントラネットで使われることを想定したマイクロブログツールです。 Twitter の主要な機能はほぼ網羅しています。 GTalkなどのIM(インスタントメッセンジャー)と連携させて利用す