"Cognition is a parser for both “upper case Semantic Web” (RDF, RDFa) and “lower case semantic web” (microformats) technologies. It includes modules for exporting parsed data in a variety of formats, including RDF, vCard, iCalendar, Atom and KML."
"For the "IE 8.0" column, a value of "Yes" indicates that the feature is currently planned for implementation in Internet Explorer 8."
"The talk was given by Manu Sporny, who is an Invited Expert to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), one of the RDFa Task Force members working on the RDFa specification and the primary author of the hAudio Microformat specification."
"So Safari, Opera and now Firefox all pass the test; of the major browsers, that only leaves one Inevitable Exception…"
"XHTMLはこのバージョンでは編集不能です。読み込むと、勝手にHTMLに変換されてしまいます。(次期以降のバージョンで修正) "