links for 2008-05-02
"Until standardization between screen reader manufacturers becomes more prevalent, as it did with Web browser manufacturers, true accessibility for the Web will remain a moving target."
"How fonts will be downloaded for Web page use is being hotly debated in regards to how to protect fonts from improper use."
"This post is intended to get your Firefox 3 Beta 5 looking 99% like Safari, even down to the resizeable text boxes."
"You can cram many of Firefox's best features into the proprietary beast that is Internet Explorer."
"We have recently added support for global tabIndex, a prerequisite for ARIA"
"Update: [May 1st, 2008 - 1:02pm] I have updated the Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet (PDF) to include suggestions from comments."
"At NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center (now renamed Johnson Space Center) we had a test subject accidentally exposed to a near vacuum (less than 1 psi) in an incident involving a leaking space suit in a vacuum chamber back in '65."
"I suspect the real issue is that some members of the HTML5 working group want authoring tools to conform to HTML5 so they can demonstrate how successful HTML5 is, or they have a vested interest in an authoring tool that doesn't conform to WCAG — not the other way around."
"And if it’s an optional attribute, we could strip the alt text from all of those other images, and an HTML5 validator could do nothing but assert that it remains valid."