links for 2008-01-24
"Thanks to the generosity and support of the Mozilla Foundation, NV Access has been able to hire James Teh as a full-time developer to work on NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access)."
PICTURES: Virgin Galactic unveils Dyna-Soar style SpaceShipTwo design and twin-fuselage White Knight正直、旧デザインより格好いいと思いました。カラーリングも、僕の好きなブルーを基調としたものに変わっているしね……。うん、前よりずっと宇宙的で未来の乗り物っぽいw
"“Steve”: Are there any doctypes that do not require this new meta tag to render with the IE8 rendering engine? Chris Wilson: @Steve - sure. Any unknown (i.e. not widely deployed) DOCTYPE. HTML5, for example."