links for 2008-01-23
"むしろ、古い IE 向けに特化したいなら、meta 要素を追記しる、とした方がスマートだよね。特殊なモノに、「印」をつけるのが普通のやり方なんぢゃねーのかなあ。"
"Just to be clear Anne, the members of the Web Standards Project in general were not informed about this article and Microsoft's proposal/plans until it was announced on A List Apart."ってEricが内情を暴露?しているけれど、状況的には致し方ないかな。
"So, in conclusion, we don’t see a great need to implement version targeting in Safari. We think maintaining multiple versions of the engine would have many downsides for us and little upside. The IE team is, of course, under different constraints and f